Allium Interiors
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Burgon & Ball Herby Harvest Gift Set


This Herby Harvest gift set contains handy herb harvesting essentials, ideal for harvesting and preparing fresh herbs. It makes a lovely gift for any gardener or keen cook.

This Herby Harvest gift set contains handy herb harvesting essentials, ideal for harvesting and preparing fresh herbs. It makes a lovely gift for any gardener or keen cook.

Inside the pack there's a mini snip and a metal herb stripper. The snip is ideal for detailed gardening jobs like deadheading or pinching out annuals, as well as for harvesting herbs. The herb stripper makes it simple to harvest lots of fresh, fragrant herb leaves. Just cut a stem from your plant, and pop the end of the stem through the appropriately-sized hole. Pull the stem through to easily remove the leaves, ready for use.

The attractive gift packaging is made from premium kraft card, plastic-free and easily recyclable.